- The student will immediately be suspended and will be excluded from being in the university. The suspension will continue until the student appears before the disciplinary authority.
- The student is allowed to make oral representations in any disciplinary proceeding taken against him/her [Section 16B (3C) AUKU 1971]
- The student is allowed to make written representation in any disciplinary proceedings taken against him/her [Section 16B (3C) AUKU 1971]
- The student has the right to be represented by an employee or another student of the University in any disciplinary proceedings taken against him/her [Section 16B (3C) AUKU 1971]
A student who is found guilty of a disciplinary offence under KTP USIM shall be liable to any one or any combination of two or more of the following punishments:
- Warning
- The fine does not exceed RM200.00
- Exclusion from specific part or parts of the University for a specific period
- Suspension from being a student of the University for a specified period; or
- Expulsion from the University.
- When the disciplinary authority imposes a punishment fine on the student, he/she shall pay the fine to the Bursar within 14 days from the date of the decision of the disciplinary authority.
- Suppose a student fails to pay the fine within the specified period. In that case, he/she shall immediately be suspended from being a student of the University. He/she shall not remain in or enter the Campus thereafter, and such suspension shall continue until the fine is paid. [Rule 66 (1) & 66(2) of the Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules 2009 (“KTP USIM”)]
- Yes. Students can make an appeal within 14 days from the day of the decision of the disciplinary authority. [Section 16B (3C) AUKU 1971]
- The Student Disciplinary Appeal Committee has the power to hear and decide on the appeal by the student. [Section 16B (5) AUKU 1971]
- The student shall have the right to make written representation in an appeal proceeding before the Student Disciplinary Appeal Committee. [Section 16B (10) AUKU 1971]
- The Student Disciplinary Appeal Committee shall preside and decide within 60 days from the date of receipt of the student’s appeal [Section 16B (11) AUKU 1971]
- The student will receive the decision of the appeal in writing within 14 days from the date of the decision of the Student Disciplinary Appeal Committee [Section 16B (12) AUKU 1971]