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USIM’s Legal Department (JUU) is a department under the Chancellory Office of USIM and operates at Level 1, Chancellory Building, USIM.

At the beginning of its establishment in September 2004, it was just a unit known as the Legal and Disciplinary Unit (UTT) under the Registrar’s Department. At the end of 2005, it was upgraded to a division known as the Legal Division (BUU), still maintained under the Registrar’s Department.

In line with the decision of the Board Meeting of USIM No. 4/2013 on 25th September 2013, the Legal Division was restructured as a department starting from 1st January 2014 and placed under the Chancellery Department under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor.

JUU is responsible for providing legal services to the Board of Directors of the University, Senate, University Management Committee, Faculty/Centre/Department/other Responsibility Centres at the University to support the University’s vision, mission and objectives to become a global reference centre.