Nilai, 21 August 2023 – The Legal Department (JUU) organised a seminar on claims under the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA 2012). It takes place on the 21st and 22nd of August, 2023, at the Galeri Canselori, USIM.

The organisation of this seminar is in line with JUU’s desire to provide understanding to Public Universities (UA), particularly legal officers, development officers, treasurers and audit officers, as well as related government/private agency officials, about the issues of claims under the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA 2012) which often arises and becomes a problem in the respective organisations. In addition, it is also a financial generation for JUU.

Furthermore, it provides a platform for the participants to express their problems related to CIPAA 2012 demands and discuss appropriate solutions.

This seminar was attended by participants from Public Universities such as USM, UniSZA, UTM, UiTM, UMP, UNIMAP, UMT, UNIMAS and UPSI. A total of 31 participated in this course. The speaker invited to conduct this seminar was Dr. Noorfajri Ismail, Senior Lecturer Faculty of Sharia and Law. He is a certified Adjudicator and Panel Adjudicator of AIAC 2014 and is very experienced in this field.

After the seminar ended, the participants were delighted with the content and information related to CIPAA 2012 and hoped that it would be implemented again in the future with broader topics.

JUU, as the organiser, hopes that the participants can have a deeper understanding of the CIPAA claim procedure, handle claims by following the correct procedure and reduce errors in carrying out the claim process in their respective organisations.


Prepared by:
Noor Azirah Ariffin